
So Who’s This “Nate” Guy?

A “professional” globetrotter who first caught the travel bug while studying abroad in Italy during college. He has not stopped wandering the globe since, and his entire outlook on life, humanity, and the existence of the Earth, changed while on a two-week climbing expedition in the wilderness of Patagonia Argentina. He has since fished alongside wild grizzly bears in Alaska, trekked around Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland, hiked the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru, and visited the vast majority of states in the USA. He could not survive without the ability to travel and to write about his experiences.
Five years ago he also fell in love with photography. He is completely self-taught, and finds it funny to go back through the archives of this blog to view his oldest photographs as compared to his work today.
This blog is a collection of his stories and photographs from around the globe.
“I want to travel where life travels,
following its permanent lead
Where the air tastes like snow music
Where grass smells like fresh-born Eden
I would pass no man, no stranger, no tragedy or rapture
I would bathe in a world of sensation
Love, goodness and simplicity...” ~ Song of Myself, Nightwish
“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” ~ Imagine, John Lennon


48 thoughts on “About”

  1. What do you plan to do once you graduate? I, too, was an English major, but went back for a couple of graduate degrees. I’m not sorry—eventually I stepped out of the corporate life to freelance as a writer/editor in Alaska. Word of mouth has worked well.

    Perhaps you’ll combine your writing and travel as a career? I hope you succeed!

    1. To be honest I’m trying to work that out right now. The possibilities seem endless. I’m considering traveling at least for a year to teach the English language abroad. I’m hoping to do this in Peru and am currently gathering more information about this opportunity. I became an English major because I love to write. I fell in love with traveling a long time ago and I don’t see the spark in that diminishing until I’m physically unable to move. My dream career would be to be able to travel and have the stories I write about different cultures and adventures published in magazines. I’ve been researching travel writing but all I seem to find is that travel writing is freelance writing. I’m meeting with a professor to talk about freelance writing soon because I do not know too much about it or how to get started. I also enjoy the wilderness world so I’m considering graduate school to pick up a natural sciences degree to become a park ranger so that I can work outside in different National Parks. This I would combine with photography (although I am only an amateur photographer) because I love to photograph the natural world. Like I said, the possibilities seem endless. I just need to figure out how to focus all of that into one solid path.
      My apologies for the long reply, thanks for the best wishes and for reading!

      – Nate

    1. Thanks Molly! Rafting is tremendously fun! The job is a great way to live in the woods for a while and have a good time all summer.

  2. reading your blog remind me of my favorite show “Lonely Planet Road Less Traveled” on Nat Geo Adventure.
    Keep going exploring exotic places that lees traveled and share here.
    maybe next destination is Asia including my country, Indonesia. :))


    1. Hi Octa,
      National Geographic is one of the best channels! My all-time dream job would be to be able to travel, photograph, and write articles for their magazine.

      I certainly plan to keep traveling– I’m already researching on places to go next! I hear Indonesia is beautiful, I’d love to go, maybe I’ll look into it.

      Thanks for reading my blog and taking the time to comment.
      – Nate

  3. Hey Nate,
    Im a college student studying abroad in Granada, Spain. I stumbled on your blog while looking up awesome travel blogs (I just started blogging and yours is definitely an inspiration!) Im a lit/ creative writing major as well and I am loving trying to put into words all the amazing adventures I have been on throughout the world. I too always dreamed of combining travel and writing/ journalism somehow and always loved watching Rick Steve’s travel shows on PBS (I dont know if you’ve heard of him but he’s pretty great). I just got an internship with his son’s new company Weekend Student Adventures which leads tours for students throughout Europe and I’ll be researching and writing about travel.
    Anyway this is a really long way of saying that I really like your blog and you should definitely keep writing and traveling because it is definitely an inspiration and you never know when your crazy adventure experiences could come in handy for a job!

    1. Thanks, Laurelsophia! Long-term study abroad is something I never had the chance to do but really wish I had because I’m sure it would have provided for great experiences. I’ve never been to Spain yet myself, but I hear it is wonderful so I’m sure you’re in for a great time. Congrats on the internship! I havn’t heard of Rick Steve (I tend to watch Anthony Bourdain, Bear Grylls, etc) but being a tour guide in Europe would absolutely be a cool gig.

      Thanks for all the kind things you said about my blog. Things are a little slow going right now, but I’ll be on the road again soon enough and back here to write about it for sure. I look forward to checking out your blog as well and reading about your adventures.

      Have fun!

    1. Thanks Azhar,
      I don’t think its luck though. Everyone can travel, you just have to be willing to take the time to do what it takes to get there. Thnaks for stopping by,


    1. Patagonia is probably the most wild, free place I have ever been. I’ll have to read about your trip on your blog. I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I did!

      1. yea yea i hope so… i spend my time for studying and working to earn money for my study, so stressful.. have u visited western australia? there are heaps of interesting places to visit..

      2. Yeah, I know how that feels. I’ve finished school so now I spend my time working so that I can travel around, that’s all I want to do at the moment. I have not been to that side of the world yet. Australia is very high on my list of places I want to go. The problem is the plane tickets to Australia are soo expensive because of the distance of the flight. So far I’ve been to the Cayman Islands, Italy, Iceland, Argentina, a bunch of places in the USA like Hawaii and Alaska, and I’m leaving for Peru on Monday.

  4. Hey Nate, love your blog. Why don’t you try teaching English in Hong Kong? As a teacher you get 17 public Holidays plus Summer, Easter, Christmas, and Chinese New Year breaks. You’ll get to see Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, China and the Philippines since they’re so close and about a $60 USD roundtrip ticket when you do advance planning. Keep travelling and stay hungry! It’s the best education in life! Good Luck!

    1. Hi Nezza,

      Sorry about the late reply, I´m in Cusco Peru right now and I happened to stumble upon a computer to use to reply to some comments. That sounds liek it would be a great opportunity to work and travel at the same time. I´ve looked up teaching abroad before but every time I do I seem to come up cold. Do you have or know where I can get more information about this? Thanks!


    1. Hey Becoming Madame,

      Thanks so much for this honor! I wonder if you and Pommi nominated each other as well since you both nominated me the same day haha. Thanks again for this, and for reading/following my blog, I truly appreciate it!


  5. wow, I can definitely relate–got my BA in English, studied abroad (also in Granada, Spain–like one of the other commentors!!) while doing so, then moved to Norway upon graduation, got master’s in Scotland, then kept traveling…

    Sorta settled now, but looking forward to future trips…

    Keep it up!


    1. Hahaha, pretty similar indeed! How was Norway? I would love to go there, and it was actually just recommended to me by a few people I just met in Peru from Scandinavia. Where are you living now?

      Always great to hear from another traveler,
      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I like your site here. You have some great photos and good information. My oldest son is going to Argentina in March as part of his study abroad program at Dartmouth. I am going to have him check out your blog as he is going down a week before everyone else just to explore. Thanks again.

    1. Absolutely, 1inawesomewonder. Man, I love Argentina. He is in for a great trip. What part of Argentina is he going to? Tell him to feel free shooting me an email if he has any questions.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” Yes, you are not the only one but you are the one of them that living in your dream… Lucky!

    thumbs up

    1. Hi Wisakha!

      Thanks for your kind compliment. I do what I can and make sure I’m always happy doing what I’m doing. If you’re not happy then you’re not living. At least thats how I see it. Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  8. You and are a lot alike- I love to travel and enjoy photography as well! I look forward to reading more of your posts. Keep living life to the fullest 😀 Where is the next destination you are traveling too?

    1. Hi Chanel,
      It seems like we are, doesn’t it? Yeah I checked out your blog and you definitely have some very nice photographs posted. I’m not 100% sure where I’m going to next. I’m deciding between 3 very different places: Morocco, Sweden (I have some friends who live in Stockholm now), or Myanmar. How about yourself?

      1. Sweden is on my list too! I’ve got some friends there, as well as Norway. I’ve never been to Europe, so any of those countries would be first on my list right now. Keep up the traveling 🙂

    1. Hey Sarah! Thanks so much for the nomination and congrats on receiving your own. I appreciate every time I get one of these,


    1. Hey Lili,

      Thanks a lot for this! I think it is my 5th or 6th nomination, but I appreciate it equally every time. 😀
      Congrats on your nomination.
      – Nate

    1. Hey Ikallmeyer,

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I too hope you get to accomplish your dreams and travel as much as possible. Its a wonderful life, that’s for sure.

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